Welcome to the Community Hub!

At the Community Hub, in Richardson Place Roxby Downs, we provide a welcoming environment for you to meet other locals. Our Hub Time, held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, is an ideal time for you to introduce yourself to our friendly Hub staff and meet other residents.

Being a mining community with a large resident population, the Community Hub plays an essential role in supporting the livability and vibrancy or our region. Our region is diverse and multicultural. Families with young children comprise a significant portion of our community and many parents are living remotely from their extended support networks. At the Hub we’re here to support the health and wellbeing of people living and working in our region and to build connections and support for local families.

You can visit or use the Community Hub for:

·        Meeting other locals during our drop in times (Hub Time)

·        Booking a meeting venue for your local community group

·        Booking a temporary meeting or workspace for your small business

·        Meeting with service outreach providers located in the Hub

We provide an ideal family-friendly space, with an area for supervised play for young children and pre-schoolers. The Hub is also a breastfeeding friendly venue.

So if you’re new to our community, drop in and introduce yourself to our friendly Hub Team!

To follow what’s happening at the Hub you can also like our Facebook page

The Community Hub is proudly supported by BHP.


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